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opens on AUGUST 24 until SEPTEMBER 08 ONLY



Just search your favorite manga and it will now appear.

Yes, most of the items are now discounted of up to 20% off.

At the moment, we can only ship in the Philippines.

Currently, we only sell English titles.

Yes of course! Just send us a message in our messenger.

Yes, all the items that we sell is brand new.

It means the item is available and ready to ship from our US bookstore supplier.

You can pay your manga in the checkout page. You can pay via G-Cash, Maya, and BPi.

Yes, most of the items are now discounted of up to 20%.

Yes, we accept bank transfer during checkout.

Unfortunately for now, we don’t accept credit or debit card for payments. But we do accept bank transfer.

Yes, if the item is available on-hand, but if the item is backorder or pre-order, then the COD will not be available.

We only accept Philippine Peso.

Currently, we are trying to have this option, but for now we don’t have pay later, but we have 50% Downpayment during checkout and pay the remaining 50% once your items arrived here in the PH.

Yes. If the items arrive in bad condition, we can offer you a refund or a replacement of that item.

You can send your proof of payment on our Facebook Page

Our local delivery partners are GOGO Express, LBC Express, and JnT Express.

Currently, we don’t have this free shipping option.

For On-Hand items it usually takes 3-7 Days depending in your location. If the items is In-Stock from the supplier or it’s a Pre-Order or Backorder then your item will arrive in the PH after 30-40 Days once they leave the US port.

Yes, just visit the tracking page. You can find its real time location, so we advise you always monitor it.

Not at the moment.

We pack your books first with a plastic cover or sometimes paper and then we put them on a box then we cover the entire box with a bubble wrap so in total, your item has a 3 layer of packaging protection from any damaged that may occur.

Sure, just message us before we ship your items.

We are still deciding on this one.

Absolutely not! All the import fee, customs and duties are handled by us, so you don’t need to worry on any charges.

For local deliveries, if you choose to add an insurance, then your item will have an insurance from the selected courier. For more information about on the damaged items, please visit the return and refund page.

Sorry but you cannot cancel your order anymore if it is departed from the supplier. Unless the item is still in the US supplier or from our store (If the items are onhand), then we can still cancel them.

Please try to logout and login again to see if you can fix the problem.

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