In a school filled with students possessing unique powers, Mai Tokiha discovers she has the ability to summon powerful creatures called “Children.” As she navigates the dangers of her newfound abilities, she learns about friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice.
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My-Hime Volume 01
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
My-Hime Volume 02
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
My-Hime Volume 03
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
My-Hime Volume 04
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
My-Hime Volume 05
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock