A sci-fi drama about two telepathic individuals, Kaoru and Minami, who meet in a dystopian city where their abilities are considered dangerous. As they navigate the harsh world that seeks to control them, they find solace in each other, confronting their pasts and the uncertainties of their future.
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Telepathic Wanderers Volume 01
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
Telepathic Wanderers Volume 02
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
Telepathic Wanderers Volume 03
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock
Telepathic Wanderers Volume 04
Original price was: ₱579.₱550Current price is: ₱550.Out of Stock