A shounen action series set in the “Negima!” universe, following Touta, a young boy who becomes immortal and joins a secret society of immortals known as UQ Holder. As he trains, battles powerful foes, and uncovers the mysteries of his past, he learns what it means to be truly alive in a world filled with magic and danger.
Showing 26–28 of 28 results
UQ Holder! Volume 26
Original price was: ₱637.₱541Current price is: ₱541.In Stock (US)
UQ Holder! Volume 27
Original price was: ₱637.₱541Current price is: ₱541.In Stock (US)
UQ Holder! Volume 28
Original price was: ₱637.₱541Current price is: ₱541.In Stock (US)